Although most waste products are eliminated through the kidneys, carbon dioxide is expelled from the body through the lungs. more the blood takes on a fresh supply of oxygen and again tams a bright red. It then flows back into the heart, to be pumped out through the arteries to the rest of the body.

This powerful cycle ie repeated thousands of time a day. That is the are.on you must never sit too long at one time. Sitting slows down the circulation and stagnates the blood.

Long periods of sitting or inactivity could of course, damage the heart. Man was never made to be a sedentary creature. People who sit too long may develop a thrombosis (blood dot) in the deep veins of the calf. If your work in an office requires a lot of sitting, get up and move around every hour. When you take a long automobile trip, make it a point to stop the car every hour on the hour and get out and take a good, brisk walk or do the circulatory exercises as noted earlier.

Remember when you exercise you am flushing poisons out of the cells of the body and renewing the vital circulation of blood through the hundreds of miles of “pipes” that supply these cells with food and oxygen.


The skin, with its millions of pores and sweat glands, is the largest eliminating organ of the body. Sweat has a dual purpose … it helps rid the body of impurities … and it serves as a temperature regulator.

When our body is exposed to heat or is “warmed up” by exercise, the sweat glands are stimulated into action. Evaporation of the sweat cools the blood when it reaches the skin and thus helps to prevent the body from becoming overheated, and at the same time immunities near the surface am eliminated. It ie these impurities, or the mixture with dirt on the skin, which gives sweat an unpleasant odor. If you are dean inside and out, them is only the good smell of “honest sweat.”

And regardless of what deodorant advertisers my, it is healthy to sweat. Dancing, walking, bicycling, vigorous housework … any I kind of activity that will make you sweat improver your heart action and your general health. Hard work never hurt anyone!